Soy un Technical Project Manager y Desarrollador de Software Sénior trabajando en la industria desde el año 1998. He estado desarrollando y liderando proyectos importantes en Microsoft .NET, SharePoint, JAVA y Aplicaciones Móviles Multiplataforma durante varios años. Soy experimentado en lenguajes JAVA, JS y .NET, además soy Desarrollador Certificado en Python, Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Cloud Practitioner, Certified AI Practitioner y cuento con una sólida formación en Ingeniería de Bases de Datos, Ciclo de Vida del Desarrollo de Software, liderazgo y gestión de equipos a nivel técnico. También tengo vasta experiencia en productos y soluciones IT de Microsoft, Linux/Open Source, CISCO y Furukawa.
Mi objetivo es aportar valor a las empresas creando aplicaciones de alta calidad, escalables y seguras que satisfagan las necesidades y expectativas de los clientes y stakeholders. Aplico las mejores prácticas en Código Limpio, Patrones de Diseño, Integración y Distribución Continuas y Pruebas Unitarias.
Me gusta trabajar con equipos diversos y talentosos siendo proactivo, creativo, responsable, asertivo y colaborativo. Mi objetivo es ofrecer soluciones de software que agreguen valor, resuelvan problemas y mejoren el rendimiento.
I’m a Technical Project Manager & Senior Software Developer working in the industry since 1998. I have been developing and leading large projects in Microsoft SharePoint, JAVA, and multi-platform mobile applications for several years. I am experienced in Java, JS and .NET languages, also Python Certified Developer and Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Cloud Practitioner with strong background in Database Engineering, Software Development Lifecycle, Leadership and Technical Team Management. I also have broad experience in IT products and solutions from Microsoft, Linux (FLOSS), CISCO and Furukawa.
I have efficiently managed, and led several teams using Agile and Scrum methodologies. I am skilled in both backend and frontend development with .NET, JAVA, Python, Angular, React and other legacy technologies including Vanilla JavaScript as well. On the IT side I am proficient in the Installation and Configuration of Server Farms, Service Provisioning, Platform and Application Migration, Site Creation, Solution Development, Container Orchestration and day to day Support.
My goal is to provide business value creating high-quality, scalable and secure applications that meet the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders. I apply best practices in Clean Code, Design Patterns, Continuous Integration & Deployment and Unit Testing.
I enjoy working with diverse and talented teams being proactive, creative, responsible, assertive and collaborative. I aim to deliver software solutions that add value, solve problems and improve performance.